mardi 19 mars 2019

Fallujah - Undying Light (Review)

Ah, Fallujah. I remember discovering them with their highly acclaimed album “The Flesh Prevails” which totally blew my mind at the time - and still does today. Nonetheless, the one which ended being my favorite was “The Harvest Wombs”. Their 2016 album, “Dreamless” was also a very good output, although I felt it was a bit lackluster in comparison to the work that preceded it. Anyway, experience tells us that line-up changes are rarely a good thing for a band, so, is the adieu of two crucial members of Fallujah a bad or good thing? Or neither of the two? I’ll dive into it in this review, and I’ll begin stating that for me, it’s the latter. 

mercredi 16 janvier 2019

Mon top 25 musique de l'année.

Remarquer que je n'ai publié aucun article depuis 2017 est un choc tout aussi grand que celui de voir à quel point le temps s'écoule à la vitesse de la lumière. Mais me voici de retour, peut-être brièvement (et exclusivement), pour vous présenter mon top 25 de l'année 2018.